I ourchased two batteries in Novermber 2023 - They were handled with care, never exposed to water as they were inside a protective case, the amperage draw on them was minimal in each use case and they were never really taken below 90 % unless taken to a storage level by a sow draw from an inverter attached to a fan and USB light to take them to 60-75% discharge for storage purposes.
Yesterday, in checking one of them that was left at 68% 3 weeks ago I noticed it would not be detected by the app. I followed all App guidelines, reinstalled the app, wiped out the app cache and then reversed that order - wiped out the app chache, runinstalled the app, rebooted the phone and re installed the app. Then I checked that the same scenario was replicated on a differnt phone with a different opperating system.
The batteries eletrical paramters seem to be functional - in 2 hours it went to 13.3 V where I stopped charging for fear of a BMS failure and possible over charge scenario until I can sort out the BMS/BT problem.
I looked inside the at the top of the battery and there are no indications of water in the battery. I suspect that the BT capability of the BMS has died - a 50% failure rate :)
Is there anything else that can be suggested to resolve this aside from risking using this battery inblind faith, which is getting thin to be honest as this could result in a marine scenario fire on a personal water craft?
Can anyone show me where the BMS and or blue tooth radio are located ? Has anyone replaced this component before ?